Cybersecurity begins with
Policy and Education.
Billed Monthly - One Year Commitment
 A Powerful, 3-Pillar CyberSecurity Solution designed for employee engagement, education and policy acknowledgement.
Pillar One
Policies & Procedures
Managers have access to powerful policy and use templates to store, distribute and record employee acknowledgement.
Pillar Two
A Complete Eduction Center
 Education Center Provides all employees:
• Cyber Security Bootcamp -12 Modules
• Continuous and ongoing Micro-Training
• Monthly Cyber Security Awareness Newsletter
Pillar Three
Simulated Phishing Attack (SPA) Platform
When your employees erroneously click on the bait everyone will celebrate that it was only a TEST! 
"If you think education is expensive, try the cost of ignorance." 
~Bok's Law (President, Harvard University) 
Here's a sample video of the "micro-training" that helps to keep cyber security awareness top of mind for all employees.

All it takes is one errant click by an unsuspecting or just busy/harried employee and next thing you know, your business could be looking at financial losses that often tally in the tens and hundreds of thousands. 
In addition to a monthly newsletter with security tips and a complete Security Training course, complete with testing and certification, your employees will stay up-to-date with ongoing, security "Micro-Training" modules like this one.
"This may be the most valuable I.T. investment we've made.
It's paid for itself countless times already."
Robert Daniels
Daniels Law Group
Starting at just $55/month
The best virus software and firewall in the world aren't able to protect you from yourself (or, your employees ; ). All it takes is a simply mistake or malicious ransomware virus and you could lose all your business files forever

Get the peace of mind that comes with adding another layer of protection by keeping CyberSecurity top-of-mind.

All Features Included...
 One Time, Flat-Fee Setup Fee Currently, 50% OFF, Just $199, Limited Time.
Policies & Procedures
Managers have access to powerful policy and use templates to store, distribute and record employee acknowledgement.
A Complete Eduction Center
 Education Center Provides all employees:
• Cyber Security Bootcamp -12 Modules
• Continuous and ongoing Micro-Training
• Monthly Cyber Security Awareness Newsletter
Simulated Phishing Attack (SPA) Platform
When your employees erroneously click on the bait everyone will celebrate that it was only a TEST! 
Starting at just
*3 Month, Quarterly Subscription (Cancel within 30 days for upcoming quarter)
  • Setup Fee: $598
  • 50% OFF, Limited Time $299!   |   One Time Company Setup Fee
  • 1-20 Employees | $55 / Month
  • 21-50 Employees | $79 / Month
  • 51-100 Employees | $99 / Month
  • 101-150 Employees | $129 / Month
  • 151-200 Employees | $159 / Month
  • 201-250 Employees | $189 / Month
E X P E R I E N C E  T H E  P E A C E  O F  M I N D  T H A T
C O M E S  W I T H  P R O F E S S I O N A L 
E D U C A T I O N  &  P O L I C I E S 

Fortress Networx, LLC has been in the Information Technology space for over 23 years and is the Winner of
 Two Better Business Bureau Torch Awards Marketplace Ethics (San Diego).

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